MS-7 Linear Algebra and Geometry (Geometry)
Organizers: Gabriel Larotonda (Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento and Instituto Argentino de Matemática (CONICET), Argentina) and Alejandro Varela (Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento and Instituto Argentino de Matemática (CONICET), Argentina)
Geometry has proved to be an excellent tool to model known structures in linear algebra but also to provide new problems in the field. Contributions in either of these directions will be part of this mini-symposium. The lectures will be centered around the ideas of metric and differential geometry in the context of matrices, such as Grassmann manifolds, the space of positive invertible matrices, the unitary group and the general linear group. Subjects such as metrics, geodesics, metric preservers and linear connections are related in this context to matrix inequalities and characterizations of special classes of matrices.
Martin Argerami, Matricial and numerical ranges in the classification of small-dimension operator systems
Eduardo Chiumiento, Approximation by partial isometries and symmetric approximation of finite frames
György Gehér, Symmetry transformations on Grassmann spaces
Tin-Yau Tam, Geometry and unitarily similarity orbit of a matrix
Alejandro Varela, Short curves in orbits of unitary subgroups