MS-23 Toeplitz Matrices and Riemann Hilbert Problems (Toeplitz Matrices and RH )

Organizers: György Pal Gehér (University of Reading, Reading, United Kingdom) and Jani Virtanen (University of Reading, Reading, United Kingdom)

Toeplitz matrices and Riemann-Hilbert problems are currently of great interest in many parts of mathematics and its applications. They demonstrate a fruitful interplay between operator theory, complex analysis and linear algebra, and have found many applications in mathematical physics, in particular in random matrix theory. This mini-symposium will bring together both young researchers and specialists in these areas. The main aim of the mini-symposium is to facilitate an exchange of ideas between researchers who apply the Riemann-Hilbert problem to integrable systems, orthogonal polynomials and random matrices, and those who work in the spectral theory of Toeplitz matrices and operators on function spaces, to review the current state of the field and, most importantly, to discuss plans for the future.


Aamena Alqabani, Fredholm Properties of Toeplitz Operators on Fock Spaces

Estelle Basor, Asymptotics of determinants of block Toeplitz matrices

Robert Buckingham, Nonintersecting Brownian motions on the unit circle with drift

Cristina Camara, Truncated Toeplitz operators and their spectra

Christophe Charlier, Thinning and conditioning of the Circular Unitary Ensemble

Richard Ferro, A Note on Structured Pseudospectra of Block Matrices

Roozbeh Gharakhloo, On the asymptotic analysis of Toeplitz + Hankel determinants.

Josh Isralowitz, Compactness of operators on Bergman and Fock spaces

Jongrak Lee, Hyponormality of block Toeplitz operators with circulant matrix function symbols

Joao Serra, On the Riemann-Hilbert approach to Einstein's field equations

Jani Virtanen, Transition asymptotics of Toeplitz determinants and their applications